Empowering OpenDesktop.org and Disroot.org: A Visual Journey


Introduction: OpenDesktop.org is a community-driven platform that serves as a central hub for open-source and Linux-related content and projects. It was created to provide a space for developers, artists, and enthusiasts to collaborate, share, and distribute their open-source software, artwork, themes, and more. OpenDesktop.org is a part of the larger OpenDesktop Network, which includes platforms like KDE-Look, GNOME-Look, and other specialized sites for different open-source communities.


Application Scope: OpenDesktop.org offers a wide range of features and services, including:

  1. Software Distribution: Developers can upload and share their open-source applications, making them accessible to a global community. Users can easily discover, download, and install open-source software for various purposes.

  2. Artwork and Theming: The platform hosts an extensive collection of themes, wallpapers, icons, and other visual elements for Linux and open-source desktop environments. Artists and designers can showcase their work, and users can personalize their desktops with these creations.

  3. Community Interaction: Users and contributors can engage in discussions, forums, and comments to seek help, provide feedback, and share ideas related to open-source software, Linux, and more.

  4. Blogs and News: OpenDesktop.org features blogs and news articles from the open-source and Linux communities. This helps users stay informed about the latest developments and trends in the world of open-source technology.

  5. User Profiles: Registered users can create profiles to showcase their work, preferences, and contributions to the open-source ecosystem.

Who Can Use It: OpenDesktop.org is a platform designed for a diverse range of individuals and groups, including:

  • Developers: Developers and programmers who create open-source software and applications can use OpenDesktop.org to distribute their work to a broad user base.

  • Artists and Designers: Graphic designers, artists, and theme creators can showcase their artwork, themes, icons, and other visual elements to the open-source community.

  • Linux Enthusiasts: Linux users and enthusiasts can find a wealth of open-source software and visual customization resources to enhance their Linux experience.

  • Open-Source Communities: Various open-source communities and projects can use OpenDesktop.org to promote and distribute their software, engage with their user base, and foster collaboration.

  • General Users: Anyone interested in open-source software and Linux can use the platform to discover new applications, personalize their desktop, and connect with like-minded individuals.


Introduction: Disroot.org is a privacy-focused, decentralized, and user-friendly platform that offers a variety of online services. It was founded with the goal of providing individuals and groups with access to essential online tools while respecting their privacy and data security. Disroot.org is operated by a collective of volunteers dedicated to maintaining and expanding the platform's services.

Application Scope: Disroot.org provides a range of services, including:

  1. Email: Users can create and use an @disroot.org email address, which is designed with privacy and encryption in mind.

  2. Cloud Storage: Disroot offers cloud storage, allowing users to store and synchronize files securely.

  3. Communication: Services like XMPP (chat), Matrix (chat and collaboration), and email allow users to communicate privately and securely.

  4. Online Office Suite: Disroot provides an online office suite, including document editing and collaboration tools.

  5. Collaboration: Tools like Nextcloud, Etherpad, and other collaborative platforms are available to facilitate teamwork and project management.

  6. Social Networking: Users can create Disroot social accounts to interact with the community in a privacy-respecting environment.

Who Can Use It: Disroot.org is designed for individuals and groups who value privacy and seek alternative online services that respect their data and confidentiality. Users may include:

  • Privacy Advocates: Those who prioritize online privacy and seek secure alternatives to mainstream service providers.

  • Small Organizations and Communities: Small businesses, non-profit organizations, and community groups can use Disroot to access essential online tools for communication and collaboration.

  • Individuals: Anyone who wants private email, cloud storage, and communication services can use Disroot to maintain control over their data.

  • Collaborative Teams: Teams and project groups can use Disroot's collaborative tools to work together on projects while preserving privacy.

  • Open-Source and Privacy Communities: Members of open-source and privacy-focused communities may find Disroot an ideal platform for their online needs.

In summary, OpenDesktop.org is a platform for open-source software, themes, and artwork, catering to developers, artists, and Linux enthusiasts. In contrast, Disroot.org offers a range of privacy-focused online services, making it suitable for individuals, organizations, and communities that prioritize data security and confidentiality.

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