Ignite your Dream !

When a class teacher ask kids what will you become in future? Doctor, engineer, pilot, businessman, actor, artist, singer etc and I admit among that option you also had spoken to somebody when it was asked to you. Do you still remember those days? What do you think as per your wish if life would flow in the way what would happen? Possible I would get the reader as Doctor, engineer, pilot etc.

I don't know what I called people nowadays. Either selfish or helpless. Every day many hidden talents either suicide or get murdered. When a kid is born, until 3 or 4 years he lives with a family but there is a really sad part of life. 90% of kids will grow in the absence of a father. Their father has to earn money so as per current trend all fathers are either in Europe, America, GCC anywhere. When he turned into 5 they are sent to school. Few years they will learn and after that syllabus start to kill the talents inside the students. Today I am discussing the education and social condition of Nepal. When students reach a higher level syllabus start to take control of the learning process of a person. Lets take the example of a students who have the wish to be a great person they start to pass the examination or top the board then the person start to close them self in to a limited syllabus and that practices make their thinking that many conservatives they don't even realize the person inside them who wished to be what is already dead. Then when they move to the Intimidate level again the syllabubs start to pressure them and again they study for the marks and finally with a piece of paper they will be tagged as certified. I don't blame only the syllabus which is responsible for the suicide.

When a person gives the school graduation then a person is evaluated by his marks. If 60% then commerce, If 70% computer field,  If above 80% then science. What is his hobby, What is his interest that does not matter to anyone? When a school teacher comes he/ she suggest by marks and parents will do as per the social suggestion. Even if that child tries to express their wish parents will refuse to listen. If a person wants to become singer and marks achieve is above 80% take science, first, two years read according to the syllabus. Theory, Illustration, Definition, blablabla.. and when certification is done all the talents either finished or hobby will remain no more. Fear of Job, Social pressure, Parents wish, and syllabus will kill the hidden talent of a person. Physical body remains alive but the inside already dead.

Possibly because of economic condition or their exception. Its true if you are poor then for your support there is only you. So whatever you want you to have to fulfill your self. If you are rich then if your father is the doctor you should be a doctor. If lawyer then you should be a lawyer. NO, you can't be a singer, player because your parents have an exception on you no matter you have the interest, capability or not. Even if you are fish you have to fly. If you cannot you are a loser. Their circumstances occur in life.

If you have interest in the computer you have to read the history, Peoples contribution on the development function,  Development etc. You have to read all which are useful to you and which you will never use in future. If there were a practice education I have nothing to say but for the education system yes I have a lot of concern. Why the study of world war 1,2,3? Why the study of geometry? and many more may be you also have.

The person will get a job then they had to spend 10 hours for the job, 6 hours sleeping and rest of 8 hours of life a person has to live. If singer will become the engineer and work for 10 hours and do you think will he sing? Dead right? Who is responsible for this? After 20 years of job, people retire the job and start to regret why they had chosen the life they lived and die with a full of regret. On the full life, they will realize neither they enjoy their childhood, neither they got the proper family during the childhood and can be good parents to children nor they are able to live the life what they had wished.  And they realize the person beneath Him/ her had already committed suicide along before and as their self only a puppet of social, syllabus and expectation was living for the last 70 years.

Guys live your life with your liberty. Do not make your life the puppet of someone expectation, social thinking, any syllabus. Live your life with no regret and never let the person beneath you commit suicide. If you are not on yourself then even there is the happiness in this planet you will never feel it.

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