Sperm! no competition!

There was a big race between million of candidates to a single destination. Everyone started to run at the same time and reached the single point where only one was able to get it. Rest of all lose and except the winner all dead. This is the competition which you had already won when you were as a sperm of your father. You won the first challenge of your life. If your birth is because of the challenge then your life is for only one reason. It is for the challenge. 

Life offers the challenge in each step when you start to walk. Remember when a kid is in the learning period to walk how many time he falls. When you were learning to ride a bicycle how many times you fall down. When you had written the examination for the examination how many time you had remembered the chapters, How many times you had tried to pass the interview for the job, How many candidates you had to surpass to get the job you currently working on, How many times you had to collect the courage your list love. Remember those all and think where you had not faced the challenge in your life?  You don't know how many time you had accepted the challenges and had surpassed on it. You are actually the Hero. On some failure people think they are the most unsuccessful person in this world, They are a loser, they can do nothing, They have nothing special etc, then today I have the proper answer to them. Who knows what are you? By appearance, by your face, your race, your gender, nationality, if you are judging yourself as mention above person then you are doing the biggest crime in your life.

Sometimes on people mind many questions come Why only me?, Why always with me?, Why I Cannot? etc. It is because they compare themselves with others. That's why they start to think they are nothing. Just take the example, if you are not coming in the top 5 ranks in the class then you judge your self as a weak student, Don't you? but can you tell me if you are somehow selected on the top 5 list in class will you be able to prove yourself as a successful person? There is a popular story. If there is a competition held who will climb the tree fast between Monkey, Horse and fish then who will win the competition? That's the same way you usually judge yourself, It is fair to you? 

Who doesn't know the Motorcycle company Honda, Soichiro Honda is the perfect example of the challenge taker. To study and get the graduation was the most difficult challenge in his life, he failed. He worked in the garage and learnt the mechanics of the car. There is the way if there is will. He learnt and started the business but he failed in business several times. He had lost everything in his life. He started to make the motorcycle with a small engine in bicycle and after a long struggle, he got success in life. If in the first or second loss if he had given up then may we would never get a chance to know about the Honda company. His guts to accept the challenge is the result as Honda company.

Nobody on this planet is successful actually, The person in your neighbour will have more salary you will think you are loser yourself but you never think to get that salary how much challenges he had surpassed, How much he had spent the time and money to study, How many time he had failed in the interview, How many struggles he had to make in order to get that level nobody cares just people compare and judge themselves as a loser. Starts to curse the luck, God, parents etc. The major problem they never to try to find out which is their wrong judgement to them self. You know in life it is the huge challenge to surpass yourself. If you never respect yourself then you can neither respect other nor can understand the respect of others to you. Your life finishes by making the wrong judgement, cursing, and regretting. Take the challenge, Try to live life by surpassing it and live with NO excuses and regrets. 

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