Pay attention to doing !

Suman AdhikariOnce when there was a biology class where a teacher enter the class first time. When teacher is new often students try to measure the teacher's strength so they behave very loose to him. Teacher took them to the dissection hall and keeping students in a half moon circle he started the theory. He took a dead rabbit on a tray and he washed his hand first with soap and told all students to follow the instruction what he will perform. He showed his fi index finger first and put it in the rabbit anus and he put his middle finger in the mouth. 

nger to all students and put it to the anus of rabbit and put back it to his mouth, And told to all students to do the same. Everyone started to do it turn by turn and stood back to line. Teacher asked them How was the taste? Everyone told it was too nasty. Teacher laughed and told them that he already told them to follow the instruction what he did. Now everyone got confused, they didn't understood what he mean. He did that experiment again. Now all student understood where they were fault. Teacher showed a

A lot of event we have in life but if we didn't pay attention we might experience different thing than the actual. This happens when we are in our home, business and friends. Do you know if you are reacting on the gossip it might happen the same. The reality might be one but gossip to gossip might lead you to the different conclusion and without knowing the reality you might react but when the time i will come you will realize you had lack of attention on the listening you might feel guilty but at that time you will have nothing more than regret. 

Guys give a small space on the people perception, attitude and their action who knows what they had done that might be one thing and you are understanding different.  There is another story. Once a father bought a new branded car. He was worried for a car will get any scratch. So he was really worried about it. It was a dream car after all. One day he saw his son was scratching the car with sharp stone. He ran towards him and started to beat him. Unintentionally he hit in the vital part of his body so that his son got insured. He took his hospital but his son was in serious condition mean while outside the hospital he saw on the scratch something was written there with a baby writing. "I LOVE YOU PAPA."

He cried a lot. he cursed himself and had a biggest regret on his life and the lesson was really crucial to him. Never judge the book with cover. If you want to judge it. First pay attention, understand it and feel it by keeping yourself in the shoe which they had wore and judge them.

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